Monday, 19 January 2015

WIP Table Details

Table Name Description
WIP_ACCOUNTING_CLASSES stores accounting flexfield information for
standard discrete jobs, non-standard asset jobs, non-standard expense
jobs, and repetitive assemblies. Oracle Work in Process stores a
General Ledger account for each cost element associated with a class.
The CLASS_CODE column uniquely identifies each class. Oracle Work in
Process uses this information to create the journal entries that post
cost transactions.
WIP_BIS_EFF_TEMP Temporary table that holds data from wip_indicators_temp for efficiency for faster data manipulation based on indicator (group_id = 1)
WIP_BIS_MNRA_TEMP Temporary table that stores the resource information for calculating WIP resource utilization
WIP_BIS_PERF_TO_PLAN WIP_BIS_PERF_TO_PLAN contains information about the scheduled and actual production of all assemblies in all organizations for every day in a given date range. The Capture Production Performance concurrent program populates information into this table for a given date range. The WIP Performance to MPS report is based on this table.
WIP_BIS_PERIOD_BALANCE Table that stores WIP inventory balance for each inventory accounting period.
WIP_BIS_PROD_ASSY_YIELD WIP_BIS_PROD_ASSY_YIELD is the summary table that contains
information about completions and scrap transactions with reference to a job and assembly.
The Capture Production Indicators concurrent program populates this table for a given date range.
The WIP Product Quality report is based on this table.
WIP_BIS_PROD_ASSY_YIELD_TEMP Temporary table that contains information about completions and scrap transactions with reference to a job and assembly.
WIP_BIS_PROD_DEPT_YIELD WIP_BIS_PROD_DEPT_YIELD is the summary table that contains information about yield with reference to a job, assembly, and department. It includes information about assemblies scrapped at each department operation. The Capture Production Indicators concurrent program populates this table for a given date range. The WIP Product Quality report is based on this table.
WIP_BIS_PROD_DEPT_YIELD_TEMP Temporary table that contains information about yield with reference to a job, assembly, and department. It includes information about assemblies scrapped at each department operation.
WIP_BIS_PROD_INDICATORS WIP_BIS_PROD_INDICATORS is the summary table that contains information about productivity, utilization and yield with reference to a job, assembly, department, or resource. The Capture Production Indicators concurrent program populates this table for a given date range. The WIP Production Efficiency and Resource Utilization reports are based on this table.
WIP_BIS_PROD_INDICATORS_TEMP Temporary table that contains information about productivity, utilization and yield with reference to a job, assembly, department, or resource.
WIP_BIS_UTZ_TEMP Temporary table that holds data from wip_indicators_temp for utilization for faster data manipulation based on indicator (group_id = 2)
WIP_BIS_YLD_TEMP Temporary table that holds data from wip_indicators_temp for yield for faster data manipulation based on indicator (group_id = 3)
WIP_COST_TXN_INTERFACE WIP_COST_TXN_INTERFACE contains information about cost transactions
that Oracle Work in Process needs to process. Each row represents
either a resource transaction, an overhead transaction, an outside
processing transaction, a cost update transaction, a period close
variance transaction, or a job close variance transaction. Each row
contains the transaction date, the job or repetitive schedule to
charge, the resource to charge, the primary unit of measure
transaction quantity, and the actual unit of measure transaction
quantity. Each row also has foreign key references to
move and receiving transaction tables. Oracle Work in Process uses
this table to support all resource cost transactions including
transactions loaded from other systems through the
Oracle Work in Process Open Resource Transaction Interface.
WIP_DEF_CAT_ACC_CLASSES WIP_DEF_CAT_ACC_CLASSES stores accounting classes by category and
possibly by cost group. Information is entered into this table using
the Default WIP Accounting Classes for Categories window in Oracle
Cost Management
WIP_DISCRETE_JOBS WIP_DISCRETE_JOBS stores discrete job information. Each row
represents a discrete job, and contains information about the assembly
being built, the revision of the assembly, the job quantity, the
status of the job, the material control method, accounting
information, and job schedule dates. Oracle Work in Process uses this
information to control discrete production
WIP_DJ_CLOSE_TEMP WIP_DJ_CLOSE_TEMP is a temporary table that holds information for
discrete jobs that have a status of Pending Close. Oracle Work in
Process inserts records into this table from the Close Discrete Jobs
window and also the Discrete Job Close process. Records are deleted
from this table once jobs are closed.
WIP_EAM_DIRECT_ITEMS This table stores the description based direct items associated with an EAM work order.
WIP_EAM_PARAMETERS For EAM enabled organization, this table stores organization parameters specific to EAM functionality.
Whenever an organization level default is required, all EAM modules obtain the default value from this table through the view WIP_EAM_PARAMETERS_V.
WIP_EAM_PERIOD_BALANCES This table stores summary accounting information for EAM jobs. Each row represents job charges within a given accounting period, and contains the summary values for each cost element. Oracle Work in Process uses this information to report job and schedule values and to calculate job and period variances
WIP_EAM_WORK_REQUESTS This table stores work request information. It stores work request attributes like priority, contact person, owning department ID etc.
Please note that the details of the work request will be held in WIP_EAM_WORK_REQ_NOTES table.
WIP_EAM_WORK_REQ_NOTES This table stores change history and audit information for individual work request. When users create a work request, they enter a brief description of the problem. They could subsequently update the work request to shed more light on the problem. All these description and updates are stored in this table.
WIP_EMPLOYEE_LABOR_RATES WIP_EMPLOYEE_LABOR_RATES stores information about employee labor
rates. Each row represents an employee's hourly labor rate as of a
certain effective date. This information is used when you charge a
resource at an actual labor rate rather than the standard cost of the
resource. Information is entered into this table using the Employee
Labor Rates window.
WIP_ENTITIES WIP_ENTITIES stores information about jobs, repetitive assemblies, and
flow schedules. Each row includes a unique entity name, the entity type, and
the assembly being built. Oracle Work in Process uses this
information to control production activities and to ensure that
entities with duplicate names are not created.
WIP_EXCEPTIONS WIP_EXCEPTIONS holds exceptions for job operation combinations.
WIP_FLOW_SCHEDULES WIP_FLOW_SCHEDULES stores Work Order-less Flow schedule information. Each row represents a Flow schedule and contains information about the assembly being built, the assembly revision, the schedule quantity, the status of the Flow schedule, and accounting information. Oracle Work in Process uses this information to control Flow schedule production
WIP_INDICATORS_TEMP WIP_INDICATORS_TEMP is the temporary table that is used to calculate production indicators, such as productivity, utilization, and yield, from transaction information. The table is used as a transient table by the Capture Production Indicators concurrent program for a given date range.
WIP_INTERFACE_ERRORS WIP_INTERFACE_ERRORS stores the text of errors or warnings issued when loading information through the WIP Scheduling and Open Job and
Schedule interfaces. It also stores information about the load
requests that generate the errors. When the WIP Mass Load program loads records from the WIP Scheduling Interface, you can print a report showing these errors
WIP_JOB_DTLS_INTERFACE WIP_JOB_DTLS_INTERFACE contains requests to add, delete, and modify
material and/or resource requirements for existing discrete jobs or
repetitive schedules. Third party Applications products place requests
in this table in order to load material and resource requirement
information into WIP. This table needs to be used in conjunction with
table WIP_JOB_SCHEDULE_INTERFACE that holds job header level
discrete jobs or repetitive schedules. Several non-WIP Oracle
Applications products place requests in this table in order to load
job and schedule information into WIP. You can use this table to load
data into WIP from external sources by following the guidelines laid
out in the Oracle Work in Process Open Job and Schedule Interface
documentation. The WIP Mass Load concurrent program processes
rows in this table.
WIP_LEADTIME_TEMP This table is used while calculating leadtime for a item. This is required to determine order of operation on Network
WIP_LINES WIP_LINES stores production line information. Each row includes a line name, maximum and minimum rate information, throughput for rate based lines (lead time), and the start and stop time information that determines the amount of time per day that the line is available. Oracle Work in Process uses this information when you associate a line with a repetitive assembly and when you define a repetitive schedule on the line. Production line information is optional for discrete jobs.
WIP_LPN_COMPLETIONS This table contains material for WIP Lpn completions (Mobile Apps)
WIP_LPN_COMPLETIONS_LOTS This table contains lot information for materials being processed in WIP Lpn completions (Mobile Apps)
WIP_LPN_COMPLETIONS_SERIALS This table contains serial information for materials being processed in WIP Lpn completions (Mobile Apps)
WIP_MOVE_TRANSACTIONS WIP_MOVE_TRANSACTIONS stores information about shop floor Move
transactions. Each row represents a single Move transaction and
includes a unique transaction identifier, the transaction date, the
job or repetitive schedule in which the Move occurs, the Move
quantity, as well as information about the From and To operation
sequence numbers, operation codes, and intraoperation steps. Oracle
Work in Process uses this information to track Move transactions
WIP_MOVE_TXN_ALLOCATIONS WIP_MOVE_TXN_ALLOCATIONS stores Move quantity information for single shop floor Move transactions that transcend multiple repetitive schedules. Oracle Work in Process creates a row for each repetitive schedule it transacts along with the Move transaction identifier from WIP_MOVE_TRANSACTIONS and the primary and alternate units of measure quantities. Oracle Work in Process allocates shop floor Move quantities to repetitive schedules based on a FIFO algorithm, which records quantities against the oldest schedule first.
WIP_MOVE_TXN_INTERFACE WIP_MOVE_TXN_INTERFACE contains information about the shop floor
Move transactions that need to be processed. Each row contains the
transaction date, the job or repetitive schedule in which you are moving
assemblies, the primary unit of measure, the actual unit of measure,
transaction quantities, the foreign keys necessary for WIP to process
the Move transaction as well as information about the From and To
operation sequence numbers, operation codes, and intraoperation
steps. This table supports all shop floor Move transactions including
transactions loaded from other systems, such as bar code readers,
using the Oracle Work in Process Open Move Transaction Interface.
WIP_MSC_OPEN_JOB_STATUSES This table is used by MRP to improve snapshot refresh performance. It contains only one column for job status. It should only be populated with open status.
WIP_MTL_ALLOCATIONS_TEMP This table holds temporary repetitive schedule allocation data for completion transactions. It is used during completion transactions to determine the repetitive schedules' available to complete quantity.
WIP_OPERATIONS WIP_OPERATIONS stores information about job and repetitive schedule
operations. Each row represents a specific operation and includes
an operation sequence number, which orders the operations for the job or
repetitive schedule. Each row also includes the assembly quantity
completed at an operation, the quantity at each intraoperation step,
the department associated with an operation, the scheduled start and
completion dates for an operation, the operation's countpoint and
backflush types and other operation attributes. In general, Oracle
Work in Process uses this information to control and monitor assembly
production on the shop floor.
WIP_OPERATION_OVERHEADS WIP_OPERATION_OVERHEADS stores information about resource-based and
departmental overhead costs for jobs in an average costing
organization. For departmental overheads, each row represents overhead
costs earned by and relieved from a job at each operation and that have a
resource sequence number of -1. For resource-based overheads, each row
represents overhead costs earned by and relieved from a job for each
resource and operation.
WIP_OPERATION_RESOURCES WIP_OPERATION_RESOURCES stores information about the resource requirements associated with job and repetitive schedule operations. Each
row represents a resource requirement and contains a sequence number,
the resource's unit of measure, its usage rate or amount, and several
other attributes that control how it is scheduled and costed.
Oracle Work in Process uses this information to schedule jobs and
repetitive schedules and to charge resources to jobs and schedules.
resources associated with job and repetitive schedule operations. Each row represents a resource usage in a valid shift for that particular resource. It also contains the assigned units in each of these shifts. Oracle Manufacturing Scheduling uses this information to schedule discrete jobs.
WIP_OPERATION_YIELDS This table keeps all costing information for operation yield costing. This table will have one to one relationship with WIP Periodic balance table. This table has one row for each operation of WSM job. Column applied cost will hold cost applied to an operation in WSM job. Rows will be inserted to this table at the time of creation of WSM job and at the time of creation of an operation of WSM job in Move Transaction Form.
WIP_OPERATION_YIELDS_EFC EURO as a functional currency table for WIP_OPERATION_YIELDS.
WIP_OP_RESOURCE_INSTANCES resource instances
WIP_OP_YIELD_HISTORY This table stores total Estimated scrap absorption, scrap reversal, Estimated scrap reversal, Estimated scrap variance at job close of a wsm type job.
WIP_OP_YIELD_REALLOCATIONS This table stores allocation of Estimated scrap absorption cost due to completion of assembly in a job. This table have one row for each WSM type job.
WIP_PAC_ACTUAL_COST_DETAILS Stores the actual cost of WIP transactions for each WIP entity in a cost group by period. Applicable transactions are resource, overhead, outside processing and job close. COST_ELEMENT_ID indicates the cost element involved in the transaction for resource, outside processing, or overhead. BASIS_RESOURCE_ID is populated for resource-based overhead charges
and indicates the resource ID associated with the overhead charged. BASIS_UNITS is also applicable only to resource-based overhead charges and indicates the units (value or quantity) of the basis resource that was used as the charge factor. LEVEL_TYPE is the current level for all transactions other than job close transactions.
WIP_PAC_PERIOD_BALANCES Stores the WIP balances for all entities within a cost group by period. Values are stored by WIP_ENTITY_ID, LINE_ID and OPERATION_SEQ_NUM. The IN columns represent value charged to the entity by material issues, resource charges or overhead charges. The OUT columns represent the value relieved from the entity by scrap or completions. The VAR columns usually represent the difference between IN and OUT columns and are updated during period close for repetitive schedules and during job close for discrete jobs. For repetitive schedules, the values are stored at the repetitive line level by aggregating the charges by operation for every schedule. OPERATION_COMPLETED_UNITS represents the quantity of assembly units that have moved past an operation. RELIEVED_ASSEMBLY_UNITS represents the quantity of assembly units that are relieved from the operation due to completion or scrap.
WIP_PARAMETERS WIP_PARAMETERS stores organization level information used to control
Oracle Work in Process. Each row represents the settings for an
entire organization and contains default General Ledger accounts for cost elements, scheduling methods, cost accounting methods, and
material control defaults
WIP_PERIOD_BALANCES WIP_PERIOD_BALANCES stores summary accounting information for jobs
and schedules. Each row represents job or schedule charges within a
given accounting period, and contains the summary values for
each cost element. Oracle Work in Process uses this information to
report job and schedule values and to calculate job and period
WIP_PERIOD_BALANCES_EFC EURO as a functional currency table for WIP_PERIOD_BALANCES.
WIP_PREFERENCES The WIP_PREFERENCES table holds user level settings that are used in the various applications
for Work in Process. The values in the table pertain to specific settings that may be
used by the individual applications. For example, in the Resource Workbench
the values may include the resources that are selected, row height, and job filters.
WIP_PURGE_TEMP WIP_PURGE_TEMP temporarily stores information about jobs and
schedules that are being purged. This information is deleted when
the purge completes
WIP_REPETITIVE_ITEMS WIP_REPETITIVE_ITEMS stores information about repetitive assemblies
and the production lines on which they are built. Each row
represents a particular assembly and line combination, and includes
information such as the line priority, the accounting class associated
with the line, the production rate, the supply type of the line,
whether the line is used in calculating the assembly's lead time
(PRIMARY_LINE_FLAG), the completion subinventory and locator for
a line, and the alternate bill and/or routing used for a particular
Oracle Work in Process uses this information when you define
repetitive schedules. Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP and Oracle Supply
Chain Planning, as well as Oracle Capacity, use this information when
mass loading repetitive schedules and running capacity loads on
repetitive schedules.
WIP_REPETITIVE_SCHEDULES WIP_REPETITIVE_SCHEDULES stores repetitive schedule information.
Each row includes a repetitive schedule Identifier, information about
the schedule's production line, start and end dates, rate, throughput,
revision, status, and information on the General Ledger accounts to
which charges for this schedule are written. Oracle Work in Process
uses this information to control repetitive production.
requirements of jobs and schedules. Each row represents a
material requirement and contains information about the component
item, its usage quantities, the using department, requirement date,
and the material control method. Oracle Work in Process uses this
information to track the material usage of jobs and schedules.
relieved from a job in an average costing organization. This table is
a child table of WIP_REQUIREMENT_OPERATIONS. This table stores
applied and relieved material costs by cost element for each row in
WIP_SCHEDULE_GROUPS WIP_SCHEDULE_GROUPS stores schedule groups for discrete jobs.
You can assign your discrete jobs to schedule groups that you define.
You can view information and submit report requests based on the
schedule group. Information is entered into this table using the
Schedule Groups window
WIP_SCHEDULING_EXCEPTIONS WIP_SCHEDULING_EXCEPTIONS contains scheduling exceptions, errors, and warnings for discrete jobs that occured while running the Oracle Manufacturing Scheduler.
WIP_SCHEDULING_INTERFACE WIP_SCHEDULING_INTERFACE contains schedule date information for jobs at the operation or resource level. To set the schedule dates for a particular operation or resource, you must insert a row with the appropriate parameters into the WIP_SCHEDULING_INTERFACE table.
WIP_SCHED_RELATIONSHIPS WIP_SCHED_RELATIONSHIPS table stores scheduling relationships between work orders. It captures the parent child relationship and dependency relationship between work orders. It is designed to be flexible to be able to capture other relationships in the future.
WIP_SCRAP_VALUES WIP_SCRAP_VALUES stores assembly scrap transaction cost
information for jobs and schedules. Oracle Work in Process calculates
this information as part of scrap transaction processing and
inserts the values in this table. Oracle Work in Process updates
these values as necessary when you perform cost updates. This table
is also used when printing scrap transaction information on the
Discrete Job and Repetitive Schedule Value reports.
WIP_SCRAP_VALUES_EFC EURO as a functional currency table for WIP_SCRAP_VALUES.
WIP_SERIAL_MOVE_INTERFACE Store serial number related to move transaction ID
WIP_SERIAL_MOVE_TRANSACTIONS Store serial number related to move transaction ID
WIP_SHOP_FLOOR_STATUSES WIP_SHOP_FLOOR_STATUSES stores the status codes that you assign to a
discrete job or repetitive schedule. Each row contains the operation
sequence number and intraoperation step to which you assign the
status. Oracle Work in Process uses this information to determine
which operations and intraoperation steps you assigned statuses to in
a job or repetitive schedule
WIP_SHOP_FLOOR_STATUS_CODES WIP_SHOP_FLOOR_STATUS_CODES stores the status codes and descriptions
defined in the Shop Floor Statuses window in Oracle Work in Process. Each row contains information such as the status name, description, and whether the status prevents you from moving assemblies out of an operation and interoperation step to which you assign the status.
WIP_SO_ALLOCATIONS WIP_SO_ALLOCATIONS stores both historical and current information on
the relationship between specific supply entities (Work In Process
discrete jobs) and specific demand entities (Sales Orders). This
information is denormalized, summary data from the MTL_DEMAND table.
WIP_SO_ALLOCATIONS_TEMP WIP_SO_ALLOCATIONS_TEMP is a temporary table that holds information
for online processing of linked discrete jobs and sales orders.
Oracle Work in Process inserts records into this table from the Sales
Orders window which is accessible from the Discrete Jobs window.
WIP_SUB_OPERATION_RESOURCES WIP_OPERATION_RESOURCES stores information about the resource requirements associated with job and repetitive schedule operations. Each
row represents a resource requirement and contains a sequence number,
the resource's unit of measure, its usage rate or amount, and several
other attributes that control how it is scheduled and costed.
Oracle Work in Process uses this information to schedule jobs and
repetitive schedules and to charge resources to jobs and schedules.
WIP_TEMP_REPORTS WIP_TEMP_REPORTS stores information used to generate Work in Process
reports. Each row contains various key and sorting values used to
provide a list of values matching the report submission criteria.
WIP_SUB_OPERATION_RESOURCE_EFC WIP_OPERATION_RESOURCES stores information about the resource requirements associated with job and repetitive schedule operations. Each
row represents a resource requirement and contains a sequence number,
the resource's unit of measure, its usage rate or amount, and several
other attributes that control how it is scheduled and costed.
Oracle Work in Process uses this information to schedule jobs and
repetitive schedules and to charge resources to jobs and schedules.
WIP_TRANSACTIONS WIP_TRANSACTIONS stores information about WIP resource transactions. Each row represents a single resource transaction and includes a unique transaction Identifier, a transaction date, the job or repetitive schedule charged, the WIP operation and resource charges, and the number of units of measure applied. Oracle Work in Process uses this information to track resource charges and to
calculate the values stored in WIP_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS.
WIP_TRANSACTIONS_EFC EURO as a functional currency table for WIP_TRANSACTIONS
WIP_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS WIP_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS stores the accounting information for each resource transaction in WIP_TRANSACTIONS. These two tables are joined by the column TRANSACTION_ID, and contain at least two account rows for every resource transaction (unless the resource is uncosted). Each
row represents a debit or a credit accounting entry, and the sum of all rows for a given transaction identifier should be zero. Each row includes the account, transaction date, transaction value, purpose (ACCOUNTING_LINE_TYPE), and the source of the charges (the job or repetitive schedule). The TRANSACTION_VALUE and BASE_TRANSACTION_VALUE are transferred to the GL_INTERFACE
table through the period close or GL transfer (INTCGL) process. Until this process is run, the GL_BATCH_ID is set to -1. Oracle Work in Process uses the information in this table to track the financial impact of resource transactions
WIP_TXN_ALLOCATIONS WIP_TXN_ALLOCATIONS stores resource transaction information for single
resource cost transactions that transcend multiple repetitive
schedules. Oracle Work in Process creates a row for each repetitive
schedule it charges, along with the transaction Identifier from
WIP_TRANSACTIONS and the primary and alternate unit of measure
quantities. Oracle Work in Process allocates resource charges to
repetitive schedules based on a FIFO algorithm that charges the oldest schedule first
WIP_TXN_INTERFACE_ERRORS WIP_TXN_INTERFACE_ERRORS contains information about errors encountered when Oracle Work in Process validates transaction information in the WIP_COST_TXN_INTERFACE and WIP_MOVE_TXN_INTERFACE tables. A single transaction can result in the creation of multiple error records. Each record contains the transaction Identifier, the message name, and the name of the column containing the error.
intraoperation steps (Queue, Run, To move, Reject, and Scrap). Each
enabled intraoperation step requires a row. Since the Queue
intraoperation step is automatically enabled for all operations,
there is always at least one row in this table. The value SYSTEM
appears in the column RECORD_CREATOR for the Queue step. User
enabled intraoperation steps have the value USER. Oracle Work in
Process uses this information to determine whether assemblies can be
moved into or out of a particular intraoperation step.

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